I have been thinking of writing lately, finally I am writing. Long due thing perhaps. Too much going on , too much in mind and apparently couldn't find an easy way to get past this. So , I have to write it down.

What have I learned with what all happened in my life in past year? Nothing , absolutely nothing.
Always make the same mistakes , EXACTLY same (sometimes). Don't ask me why! I myself don't know. Guess that's just me.

Anyways! I just came across an absolutely amazing song recently : "Poison and Wine by The Civil Wars".
This song I want to play in my life background. Yes , this one :-)

I don't love you but I always will. Yes , me too.

Strange how some songs connects to you in the most weirdest of ways which at least I have no explanation for.
This one is for me.
Sometimes I wish to go back in time and see myself there , how I blindly put my faith in so many people who just crashed it like it meant nothing to them.

I did that too ,once. I regret that every single day. Every day. I wish i could erase that part of me. Erase that moment where I betrayed someone when I said I love them.
That moment. I was one of them, one of those whom I used to hate.

I was one of them.

Tags: LIFE

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