Welcome to a day at the IT company,
ITs pretty muh like Mozarts seventh symphony.
With its big big highs and even bigger lows,
You pockets always full but your face hardly glows.

Up in the morning,shave and wash your ass,
And get ready to get your head stuffed with gas.
You put on the dog tag called the company ID,
In it a picture of you like a rabid dog with VD*..

The company bus arrives and you get inside,
All the while contemplating suicide.
Around you are geeks and techies who are fat,
But you are determined to stay, like Rahul dravid with a bat.

Soon stuck in traffic, you curse everything under the sun;
Coz you know the day at the office aint gonna be no fun.
Finally you arrive at the swanky IT building,
All hi-fi outside, but you know whom they are kidding..

Development, testing, manitainance and support,
And in the mean time, also fill your appraisal report.
You are stuck in the ocean, a fish without a fin,
And you have to make sure you always kiss American shin.

You are a hero back in the hood, juniors fall at your feet,
But in reality you are changing colours in an excel sheet.
You are frustrated to the core and you wanna get out,,
But the pay is damn good, and some chicks are also hot..

So here's some gyaan for you, what the elders call advice..
You only live once, you cant do it twice..
If you feel caged , like a bird without feathers..
Just get the fuck out, don't give a shit about others..

Tags: Funny poem, Humor

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