We’re all talking about the RAPE CASE!! What About the
Betrayals That Every girl faces? Isn’t that equally painful?
We are all posting about the Rape case. Facebook is full
of pictures, posts, statuses and even petitions against
the rape case. Every guy is posting “I am feeling pity for
that girl who was emotionally and physically tormented”.
These guys have dated so many girls, had sex with them
by making fake promises and left them for a hotter girl.
And today, they are feeling bad for the girl who has been
Most of the guys entice girls, talk sweetly with them,
make some fake promises of the future and take them to
the bedroom. Once they are done, they want it again.
They even boast it in front of their guy friends. “hey dude,
I banged my gf yesterday. Man, she is so hot”! After
playing with her for several times, they go out in search
of a hotter girl. They cheat on that poor girl who was
carried away with the emotions and hopes of spending
her life with that guy. The day he goes out with some
other girl, her life comes to a standstill.
She loses her self confidence. The guy around whom her
world used to rotate has humiliated her and left her for
another girl. What could be more discouraging for a girl?
She starts feeling down upon herself. She goes through
an emotionally traumatic state wherein she feels used and
thrown away like piece of shit. The main thing is, she
was used physically, and then thrown away! Isn’t it
equally painful?
Many of you will advocate that it is done by mutual
consent. That mutual consent was attained by blinding
her senses through fake promises and sweet words. Love
is a feeling which often drowns a person to an
unimaginable extent. It’s similar to blindfolding a girl and
giving her a sleeping pill wherein she can’t see or feel
anything beyond those emotions!
So hey! All you guys posting a status about the Rape
case. Please start respecting girls first. Don’t use girls for
your own physical pleasure or emotional support and then
throw them away. Respect them and see how they can
make your world beautiful.

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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