A story of a girl n guy..
The girl is really sophisticated,sweet,harsh sometimes when needed..!
The guy is sweet,adorable,helping.. But most of the times their thoughts don't match.
The girl is always straight-forward. She is a little of control-freak. She tells off everything to her boyfriend,whatever makes her feel uneasy (regarding his behavior).
Our guy is a public person. But he lacks some of the mannerisms which should b there in a guy. This may b the case that our girl is expecting a bit too much. But she tries improving her boyfriend's personality according to her requirements. All she wants is a gentleman who everybody should like.
The girl is a party animal,but the guy is spiritual. Whenever she goes out with her friends,the guy starts fighting with her about it. So she decides not to go. She tries to understand his point view,which he never does.
Tell me guys.. Is love enough for a relationship to work ? Does she have to compromise on everything just bcoz she loves him ? When clearly they r not happy with each other.
Give ur suggestions,what should they do ? It ll mean a lot to me.. I can see my best friend smiling again if i can solve this. :)

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