Some words are similar but with different meanings.
I found these on the net.

We all know what “Stool” can mean… “I delivered stools this morning.”
Some may reply to this man saying, “Me too!”

Some words are similar in different languages but different in meaning.

Shouting 'go to hell' to a German makes no sense-
'Hell' in German means 'light' (as in light colored clothing).

Pants in the UK refers to underwear... instead use the word,'trousers'. A French teacher asked two guys in England where they got their pants because they were nice,only to get a lot of chuckles.

Pa in English - papa
in Bengali it means - leg.

In Spanish burro means donkey,
but in Italian it means butter.

Gift means poison in German.
If you offer it,they'll probably sue you.

Susu for a Malaysian means milk
In India- its urine.

Bandar - word for 'monkey' in Hindi.
But in Farsi/Persian it's a combo of Band as in closed,and dar i.e. darwaza being gate or door.
They even call themselves 'Mr Bandar' respectfully.

Finally, if a Maharashtrian asks a Malayalee if he's watered his 'Kundi', meaning- pot containing plant (in marathi),the Mallu will get hysterical.

For in his lingo,kundi means 'bum'.

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