I really had been skeptical all along. Never been appreciative of the fact that you could have a platonic relationship with the other sex.

Being a loner from childhood, I kept myself away from them. After my marriage, I kept close to hubby dear, never having the time for any other person. Of course we share everything with each other.

Yesterday, being a bit bored, with nothing to do, I wondered if I really had a friend. I mean, I had many, but so few with whom I could really share my heart out.

As I sat writing my article in the evening, I received a call. It was him. We knew him since the past few years. In fact more than a friend, he's my mentor.

"Hi", I said, eyes still glued to my PC. "Wanted to know just how you are faring," was his earnest query.
A tad irritated, I hate it when someone interrupts my writing, I promised to call him later.

"So what are you up to nowadays?" he wanted to know.
"Oh, just nothing." I tried to wave him off.
But then I found myself sharing everything on my mind, all that was in my heart. "Hey, I mean Wow. Beautiful that you're writing again," he exclaimed.

I heaved a sigh of relief. He wasn't judgmental as I thought he'd be. And shared some more of what I was going through in the recent months.

An hour passed. He made me feel so comfortable. His words so encouraging. He patiently listened when I interrupted. His mannerisms so pure. Every word with him only made me feel closer to God.
I felt light again.

I'm glad to find a friend like him. He's ten years older to me, a former playback musician but still single. He remained that way as he felt he has the call of God on his life. My hubby trusts me with him.

There are some guys who make me wary and uncomfortable. But he's one whom I can call any hour of the day and night, knowing he has a word from God for me.

I'm so glad I have this friend of mine.
I'm not skeptical any more.

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