Dear girls
You don’t need a guy who treats you like shit.
You don’t deserve a guy who keeps you up at
night just because you’re waiting for them to
respond to your text. You don’t need to stay up
waiting for him to call. You shouldn’t have to
second guess him when he’s with other people,
other girls. if you love him, then you need to trust
him. That’s a must. You can’t love someone, and
not trust them. What you do deserve is a guy who
treats you like you’ve never been treated before.
You deserve a guy who will be the one that stays
awake at night thinking about you, and how
perfect you are. You deserve to have that happily
ever after. Every girl that’s been hurt before
deserves that..
Remember, You Always Have A Choice

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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