sometimes I can't stop of thinking of the marvel that caveman have given to us.....the modern age people-"the people possessing written language".I wonder about their capability of expressing themselves in the form of cave paintings and pictograms. I think it was a very cumbersome work to do.To draw meaningful series of pictures to spread an idea,an expression creating uniform effects in the mind of viewers ,I think this was a very tough job and that too after doing their regular work of searching for food and defending themselves from the fury of the nature and other calamities.And specially when I think of myself in their shoes,I had this feeling that I wouldn't had been able to propogate a single idea through my paintings.Frankly speaking i was never good at any kind of drawing since beginning.I remember an incidence when I had to write" MANGO" below my mango in the drawing book to prove my fruit was mango or it was a fruit at all.Whatever drawing capabilities are present now,had developed quite lately because of the need of drawing diagrams in my studies.
The caveman have always driven me crazy about their ideas hidden in their paintings and pictograms which some experts say have been deciphered,but I doubt about the claims of these pictograms and paintings being correctly deciphered because we still can't check the authenticity.May be when time machine is invented...................:D:D
But I feel myself lucky that I am born at the time when we have written language.Otherwise we would have needed good deal of caves for expressing ourselves.And me still just expressing nothing making some walls dirty junk and ruining the beauty of ther paintaings . you can say pictorially dumb and studying at a special school to improve........he he.

And imagine Srijan with the drawing instruments in his hands with the WRITERBABU caves going deeper and deeper towards the core magnificiently.
And me still unable to communicate this.............ha ha

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