Dear doctor,

Once a highly respected species, I'm afraid, no longer are you one now.
For your action or inaction brought us to this conclusion.
Years ago all kids were encouraged to take up medicine, the noblest profession...engineers then were few..
but now it is the other way around.

You made it just another money minting business.
What good is your knowledge when it can't benefit anyone?
The more inaccessible you appear, herein lies your you think.
You move around in white coats, steths hanging around your collared necks.
A "Hello, doc, how are you?" is met with the faintest of a smile.

Then when after months we finally get an appointment to see you, you act so cold, so indifferent as if we are mere fools.
You dismiss our queries with a mock of a smile.
We squirm in our seats thinking we really blundered this time.
You won't even address our concerns. The 'why's, 'whats' and 'hows' so unencouraged, then what do we do?
And all the while we thought you were God!
Brought down to earth heavily with a thud, we realize that ayurvedic plain looking fellow down our lane was definitely better than handsome, well qualified you!

You get your cuts and allowances..what about helpless us?
You take one look at us, our job profiles and then decide if we really ARE worth your esteemed attention.
Then you just refer us to someone lesser!

What good are your degrees following you like a train after your nice sounding name?
Actually it does us a disservice.
When you started it was with noble intent..
but now, I'm afraid you breed discontent!

A disgruntled patient

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