I have known this friend for years since the time I've been living here. She'd drop in suddenly without notice. Advise me, laugh over my funny jokes. She never dismissed any of my phone calls ever. I found her helpful and worldly wise, street smart. She gave me valuable tips.

Suddenly my world turned topsy turvy. Unforeseen stuff began happening.

So it surprises me. Why hasn't she called me since one and half months? She lives one floor below me.
I thought I'd meet her in the compound or on my way out. I'm quite surprised I haven't.

Well, the shocking thing is, several 'friends'..whom I never considered worth talking to, stopped me in my tracks to enquire about my recent state of affairs. One woman living below me called me up to say how sorry she was to hear the news. "Are you washing the balcony now?" she asked me finally.
"Yeah, the men are washing something. Oh, has it wet your clothes?"
"Oh, a bit."
"I'm so very sorry, I just forgot to inform you beforehand." I muttered an apology.
"Just forget it. You are so busy, how could you? In fact I owe you an apology."
I was immensely touched.

Another woman I never really liked before came over and offered to help whichever way she could. "Do call me, I'll stay here with them, if you're going out."
I was almost in tears. This coming from someone I couldn't stand some months ago.

My mind reverted back to my friend. Where was she? Did she go on a long holiday? If the folk who knew me little at least went out of their way to stop me in my tracks or call me once in a while..Wasn't she aware of the happenings in my life all the more?
Why did she pretend she didn't know?
Why, why?

I don't know the reason. Was she getting back at me?
I'm so hurt by her indifference. Someone whom I'd so trusted, confided all my heart in...why does she do this?

I learned a good lesson. Never underestimate any one who crosses your path. Who knows who might come in handy when?
Better is a stranger coming to your help in trouble than a so called good friend who pretends she never noticed.

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