He came into our abode last year
Light brown skinned, tiny with two beady eyes
antennas on high alert
looking for crumbs
when we ate plates full
must be a real humble guy!

Then he met this gal
same color as him
days passed, suddenly one night
tiny tots appeared
gradually increasing in number
my house too tiny to hold them.

They moved with impunity
anywhere they wished
"Hello, it's MY home, not yours"
I insisted, they refused to see reason
I put my foot down
called a man to show 'em the door
he, so poor in math..
instead of subtracting
they added, divided and multiplied!

Now really alarmed
I emptied each worldly possession
called the man again
pssss..pssss..he sprayed
please God!
let it be the last of them
I prayed.

Two days later
an antenna moved through a nook
another through a crevice
soon brown and even dirty black
happy little folk moved
all over my place
"we're back...we're here to stay"
said unabashed they.

I lost my case
my tenants stubborn and tenacious
make my living so very miserable
so I'm deciding on peaceful coexistence
they celebrate
but I rue the day
I allowed that awful cockroach
get in my way!

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