I sat down writing one day, when I noticed a strange sound in the background. It went hummmm.....
I just moved the mouse a little bit, adjusted the wires.

Alarmed,I switched off the PC, restarted it only to find it humming again.
Well, having the sabji wala, roadside romeos, fellow writer babu's humming when you pass their way, is another story. But the PC?

Serious problem, I realized. Should I call the cops or an ambulance? But then they would term me a mental case, as my friends on WB do!

So, instead I beckoned my in-house junior technician, busy immersed in his computer text books.
'No writer babu for you', he declared, 'some problem with the PC'.

That evening, he shifted the CPU onto the bed, deftly removed the cover..there the hummer boy lay exposed.
Joined by the chief technician, the little guy tried shifting the PCs inners here and there, to make the fella work again.
No use.

Finally, a call to the out-of-city consultant technical officer, who's only 20 years old, did the trick.
The humming stopped, as he advised.
Thanks to my three home grown technicians.

Wow. I rejoiced.

I'm now at my place.
Where I belong.
On Writer babu.

The PCs back in place.

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