"Wake me up at 4:30", requested mom, as she went to grab another hour of sleep.

"Ok", I replied simply.

It was 3:30 a.m. I had decided to wake up at early for some revision as I had a chemistry test at school. I expected my chemistry copybook to be where I kept it 3 days ago; on the table.. But it was not there. I looked for it, among the other copybooks, among the books, under the table, almost everywhere around the table..

I looked at the time; 4 a.m. I had wasted 30 precious minutes.. Anger was filling me.. But I was supposed to be keeping it under control. I decided to go and wake up mom. I felt guilty to disturb her sleep..but there is no choice, I must find the damn copybook or I'm in serious trouble...

Mom looked for it too..all to no avail.. I struggled hard to keep the shit under the skin, however in the end, rage invaded my senses and myself, I was in no control of myself.. I began cursing loudly and used foul language openly.. I threw my copybooks and even threw a pen so hard that it broke into half!!!!..

Finally mom found the fking copybook.. less than 5 minutes after all damage was done.. I couldn't help feeling guilty.. But all mum said while going back to sleep was:

"Better control that temper of yours next time"

Though I could see it clearly, she had not expected an outburst so early in the morning.. I really feel ashamed of myself..

Tags: Short Story

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