Ours was simple, yours not humble
ours uncomplicated, yours sophisticated
ours was easy, yours is queasy
we had little, a pan n kettle
you have things, but we had wings
you live indoors, we existed outdoors
you own every brand, but we played with sand

Our moms taught us to cook
yours, how like beauty queen look
looking then at boy was sin
but you already have live-in
our girls gained things of utility
yours lose early their virginity
our marriage was arranged
but yours quite deranged
we held our vows strongly
you think of marriage wrongly

We wore saris n bell bottom
yours are flimsy, guys to fathom
our girls played with ordinary toys
yours are on mobile chat with boys
we had no FB, faces to see
you have heart breaks, living aimlessly

Ours was an unspoilt generation
we had parents in veneration
yours is wasted
no hardship tasted
we, born to sweet seventies
but you.. to torn nineties!

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