She happened to watch this couple. Aged and grey of years. She knew them before but now was getting to know them all the more.

What she saw from a distance was not quite what she sees now, albeit clearer. She watches them getting friendlier, more comfy ...more at ease with her.
Now they open up more. Unravel,expose, hiding awfully nothing.
She watches as the woman lays her frail body onto the bed. sleeps with mouth slightly open. Like a cute baby.
Then she glances at frail..a shadow of his former self.
How helpless! He waits as she removes the tiny lid of his nasal feeding tube. Then she pours it in.
He remembers the time he could eat anything.
The woman, so petite and serving. He the dynamic type.
She, more reasonable but he the go-man-go one.

And to think some months back there seemed to be a gnawing chasm invisible wall none of them could really decipher.

They so helpless watched her face for tell tale signs of indifference..coldness. found none. She embraced them with warmth. Smiled lots. Welcomed their friends as if they were hers.
Served them...enquired after them.
Still she worries. How will things be?

All have left for their destinations. Now left alone..they need to cope.She tells her confidently she could handle. She doesn't know how but is sure somehow she could.

She had met a friend the other day who worried of her ailing dad. His son stayed nearby but his wife couldn't get along with the folk.

She pondered over this.. And decided she'd never do such a thing. She would always love there for them..treat them as her own.

Their brow needed no more furrow. She would be present for their tomorrow.

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