I always wanted to ask them, why do they use bad words?

I mean, its so common, the 'shit', the 'f...' and other rotten expletives.
They think it is cool. But it's absolutely NOT.

Can't they ever think straight? Talk easy, pure lingo. We people are so scared to use even an innocent looking word, for fear of what double meaning it may secretly hold.

This morning I read a friend's post..(not here), honestly I went crimson when I read it. Such words of terrible hatred complete with expletives of the worst kind! My fingers almost reached to 'unfriend' him.

You know where this anger comes from? From the kind of music they listen to. The guys who sing look so weird, sing awfully and gullible youngsters dance to those hate filled, vulgar lyrics.
No wonder then they get into drugs and grime. It's the music which influences them, really!

One word I keep hearing is 'shit.' O please, can they just do that behind closed doors once in the morning and NOT remind the world they are at it the entire day?

Hope they'll call it a day.
Get their act together, be rid of this awful lingo once and forever.

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