[Act 1 Scene 1]

(In Jail)

OFFICER 1 - Alright everyone! back in your cells! not a peep out of anyone!

(Prisoners move along)

OFFICER 2 - That's it move along! move along!

ZAK - (Drinking Water).

DOUG - Watcha up to?

ZAK - Nothing much.

DOUG - I see....uh.

ZAK - Shush! you didn't see anything, alright?

DOUG - Nah, I didn't see nothing.

ZAK - That's right, nothing.

DOUG - Yes, I get it.

[Act 1 Scene 2]


OFFICER 1 - Alright! wake up! everyone! get up! no slacking!

OFFICER 2 - Cell 1? check, Cell 2? check, Cell 3? what? (looks around) Doug!

DOUG - (Wakes up) Hey! what up dog?

OFFICER 2 - Not now, where's the other one?

DOUG - Oh! y-you mean zakky boy? no clue.

OFFICER 2 - What?

OFFICER 1 - What up?

OFFICER 2 - Code red! we're missing Zak!

OFFICER 1 - Officers! we have a code red! mission to find Zak!! I repeat...

[Act 2 Scene 1]

(City drainage)

ZAK - (Opens up the drainage plate and gets on top) Finally. Now then, where was I? (finds 7 eleven) Need some butt.

(walks into 7 Eleven)

ZAK - What up dog?

CASHIER - Nothing much.

ZAK - Hit me with a butt.

CASHIER - That'll be ten.

ZAK - You serious, dog? you really serious? you really think I would want to cough up a ten for some butt?

CASHIER - Rules bro. Got to follow them.

ZAK - I tell you what. I say you lower it down by 1.

CASHIER - Okay then, it's a 9.

ZAK - Nah! I mean lose the one from ten.

CASHIER - No free service allowed.

ZAK - You have no idea who I am do you?

CASHIER - Don't know, don't care. Pay up, or it's the police.

ZAK - (Silent) Hehehe. The police I see, that's how you want to settle it? well then, hmm....ooh I'm famous! (finds his wanted poster on 7 eleven) check this out.

CASHIER - (Sees it) Bro! y-you-

ZAK - That's right. Now cough it up.

CASHIER - I'm calling the police.

ZAK - Do that and I'll wreck this store.

CASHIER - Fine, fine! here! here you go!

ZAK - Thanks. Jeez, you people make things so complicated for the sake of money.

CASHIER - Y-You're not a robber?

ZAK - That's something amateurs do.

CASHIER - What do you do then?

ZAK - You know what, I'm kind of tired right now. Long walk up here. Why don't you ring the cops and ask them what I did. I think they'll be glad to let you in on something. Tally ho! (walks out).

CASHIER - Okay then?

[Act 2 Scene 2]

(In a mall)

OFFICER 1 - Have you seen this man?

PERSON 1 - No.

OFFICER 2 - Have you seen this man?

PERSON 2 - No.

ZAK - They never learn do they.

PERSON 2 - (Looks behind) Hey bro!

PERSON 3 - What's up?

PERSON 2 - (Notices Zak) Officer, h-he's right there.

OFFICER 2 - Nice work! we've got him!

ZAK - Damn it! (makes a run for it).

OFFICERS - Surround the perimeter! ASAP!

(Zak and Officers in a wild chase around the mall)

[Act 3 Scene 1]

(Zak enters the restroom and closes the door)

ZAK - (Panting) Jeez, why are they such a pain? can't they just leave me alone?

MAK - (Urinal - and on the phone) Yes, tell Tyler I can't come. I'm busy with something.

ZAK - (Spots Mak and is stunned - look a like; and whispers) Holy Cow.

(Zak checks him out - completely)

ZAK - (Turns off the lights).

MAK - Hey! who turned out the lights?! ah! ah! owch! dude get off me! you want to go?! huh?! you want to-

ZAK - Shut up! (chucks him in the cubicle rooms and leaves).

[Act 3 Scene 2]

OFFICER 3 - Any sign of Zak? no? oh wait! gotcha!

ZAK - W-What?! (attempts to run).

OFFICER 3 - Stop right there! I gotcha! hold on, why are you in different clothes?

ZAK - Oh right I'm that guy. Sir I'm not who you're looking for.

OFFICER 3 - Prove it!

ZAK - (Takes out the wallet he stole from Mak) H-Here's my ID.

OFFICER 3 - Mak Johnson ay?

ZAK - Y-Yes.

OFFICER 3 - Right then, sorry for the trouble. (Walks off and turns back) You both look a like!

ZAK - I-I get that a lot, I guess?

OFFICER 2 - Freeze.

OFFICER 3 - It's not him! I already checked.


ZAK - (Leaves) Ha! fooled the police - like a boss. Okay then, so I'm Mak Johnson. Strange.....Zak...Mak....Zak....coincidence I guess. Right then, address....must be in his wallet - ah there we go! 21, Flower Road, Bayshore. I guess I live in Bayshore, then off we go!

[Act 4 Scene 1]

(At Bayshore)

ZAK - Right then....(goes through everything about who Mak is - personal photos and information). Hmm....I-I think I've got it.

(doorbell rings)

ZAK - God damn it!

(opens the door)

RICHARD - Hey bro! you ready?

ZAK - Um.....

RICHARD - Tyler's party, y-you remember right?

ZAK - O-Oh yes, yes, yes. I forgot actually. Be right back!

(Zak changes clothes)

ZAK - Right then, shall we?

RICHARD - We need to be there in 30 minutes.

[Act 4 Scene 2]

(Tyler's Party)

TYLER - Hey Richard!


ZAK - So that's his name.

TYLER - And Mak? I-I thought you were busy with something?

ZAK - I was? I mean, yes, but I finished it quickly.

TYLER - I see...

ZAK - What're we waiting for? let's party.

MONICA - Hey Mak!

ZAK - Well hello, foxy.

MONICA - (Giggles).

RICHARD - How did your date with her go?

ZAK - Date?

MONICA - It was great! Mak took me to East Coast. Dining by the beach - romantic.

ZAK - Yes, and at what cost.

MONICA - I'm sorry, y-you simply had to cover the bills - gentleman's business you know?

ZAK - Indeed.

(They party hard)

[Act 5 Scene 1]


MAK - Sir! I-I'm not the guy!

OFFICER 2 - Shut up!

MAK - Believe me! I-I'm not him!! y-you have to believe me. W-What date is it today?

OFFICER 2 - 14th March.

MAK - 14th March! I-I need to submit a project! sir! I-I must go.

OFFICER 2 - Can you just shut up? god. No way out - you were under a 6 year jail term. Now because you escaped - I've extended it to another year. Don't try anything funny with us, Zak.

MAK - Zak? I-I'm Mak!

OFFICER 2 - Nice try Mac and Cheese.

MAK - But-

OFFICER 2 - What am I using? oh! a MacBook Pro!

MAK - Sir can you please just-

OFFICER 2 - Zip it! dot com.

MAK - Dot com?

OFFICER 2 - You're really testing my patience. Just remain silent okay?

OFFICER 3 - Sir, donuts are up for grabs outside.

OFFICER 2 - Glazed?

OFFICER 3 - Assorted.

OFFICER 2 - I'm coming - I'll be back (gesturing eyes on Mak).

(Officer leaves)

MAK - How the hell am I Zak? there can only be one! and that's me! I-I don't even have a twin! this is ridiculous. W-What's wrong with the police force these days? huh? (bangs the top of the cell and long stick falls down).

(This was the same long stick, Zak used to sizzle the the rock tiles out and escape)

MAK - Now then (uses the stick to drag the officer's phone from the desk - successfully) Okay...Okay (dials to reach his phone).

[Act 5 Scene 2]

ZAK - (Phone rings) Uh-Oh....Officer Seamus. (On the phone) H-Hello?

MAK - (On the phone) Hello! w-who are you?! what are you doing?

ZAK - (On the phone) I-I'm Mak, Mak Johnson.

MAK - (On the phone) Shut up! Shut up! you are not Mak Johnson. That's me! who are you! and what are you doing?!

ZAK - (On the phone) I'm you.

MAK - (On the phone) What?!

ZAK - (On the phone) Having a good time at Tyler's party.

MAK - (On the phone) Huh?! w-what?!! h-how come-

ZAK - (On the phone) You don't get it do you. I am You!

MAK - (Gasps) (On the phone) Stay away from my life!

ZAK - (On the phone) Hehe. To be honest, your life's pretty awesome.

MAK - (On the phone) What're you saying?

ZAK - (On the phone) No can do bro. You're me, and I'm you. Goodbye! (drops the call).

MAK - (On the phone) Wait! Wait! (drops the call) Damn it. Why me?!

[Act 5 Scene 3]


ZAK - Oh yes!

RICHARD - Score! you won it bro!

ZAK - (Gambling) And that's how it goes.

MONICA - It's funny how you all of a sudden like gambling, and you're amazing at it.

ZAK - Well, what can I say - Monica.

MONICA - Hehehe.

ZAK - Gets funny every time.

MONICA - (Kisses Zak).

ALL - Oh!!

ZAK - Baby!

MONICA - Baby!

ZAK/MONICA - Hahaha!

[Act 6 Scene 1]


(Everyone is breaking stones)

MAK - Ah! Ah! (breaking stones) ooh my back hurts.

DOUG - You okay bro?

MAK - My back hurts.

DOUG - Hey come on, why you so weak?

MAK - What do you mean?

DOUG - I thought you're tough.

MAK - I'm not Zak, alright.

DOUG - True that, how do you know his name?

MAK - Because....Gah! forget it! I'll find my own way.

[Act 6 Scene 2]

(Mak's home)

(doorbell rings)

ZAK - Yes?

(Mak's parents)

MUM - Hi dear.

DAD - How're you doing, son?

ZAK - D-Doing good, dad.

(they come in)

MUM - Sorry to bother, I-I know you're busy with media work and all but....we just wanted to let you know that we'll be out of country.

ZAK - When?

DAD - We're flying to Hong Kong - a small holiday. You know....see our friends and all. I know you're busy and all, tough life.

ZAK - Well, what can I say. I've got my own priorities and...you've got yours.

DAD - Yes, indeed.

(parents go on chatting with each other for a while - Zak, thinking about something)

ZAK - U-Um.....m-mum?

MUM - Yes?

ZAK - D-Do I uh....h-have a sibling?

DAD - S-Sibling? w-what do you mean?

ZAK - You know like....a sister.....brother.

MUM - Um....

ZAK - Wait hold on! i-it's true?

MUM - Um....h-how do we say this?

ZAK - I-I have a sibling! I-I really do have a sibling right?

DAD - Y-Yes! y-you have a sibling.

ZAK - Woah. W-Who is it?

MUM - A-A brother, to be more specific.....y-your twin.

ZAK - (Stunned) T-T-Twin?

MUM - Yes. Listen dear, come here. Y-You both were born on February, February 10th. We had you, Mak - and your twin brother, Zak.

ZAK - Z-Zak?! (shocked).

MUM - Yes dear.

ZAK - W-What happened to Zak? d-did he um....d-die? or-

DAD - It was my fault alright?! i-it was all my fault.

MUM - Please don't, dear. It's not your fault.

ZAK - W-What happened?

DAD - (Tears) Y-You both were just 10 months old. We were at....P-Parkway Parade. Eating at....B-Burger King. Y-Your mother went to change your diaper at the restroom. I had to watch over your brother - and he was on a stroller. I shouldn't have been careless. I was talking to someone on the phone for a while, looking here and there. T-The next second I turned around, h-he was gone. W-We tried everything, called the police, the security at the mall, e-everything. C-Couldn't find him. W-We just....gave up on him. Me and your mother swore that day onwards to never speak of him again. F-For the sake of you.

MUM - (Tears) P-Poor soul, what that child must be going through now - what he's doing with his life.

ZAK - (Tears) Y-You're telling me this....r-right now? I-I would've known a-a long time ago. (Screams to the skies) Ah!!! (cries).

DAD - S-So that's what we wanted to tell you, dear. W-We'll take a leave.

(at the door)

MUM - M-Mak, t-take care of yourself. B-Be safe. G-Give me calls every now and then, alright?

ZAK - Yes.

MUM/DAD - Bye.

ZAK - Bye (closes the door and collapses and looks at his hand - crunches them).

[Act 6 Scene 3]


DEUCE - Hey son!

MAK - Huh?

DEUCE - Son! I'm talking to you. Why do you keep avoiding me?

MAK - You're not even my dad.

DEUCE - Hahaha that's what they all say. You've been saying that every time you end up in this god damn jail. The same thing "I'm alone" "I don't have parents" "I was born to be alone" and I say, Ridiculous. People don't just drop out of the sky - in your case they don't just emerge from a fourth dimension.

MAK - What're you even on about?

DEUCE - Listen, I-I've had enough of this. I deserve your respect alright? your my son, I'm your dad. We're family by blood, not drunk or anything.

MAK - Oh please-

DEUCE - Before you even say anything - I'll have you know that I was the one who helped you grow, and become one of the best criminals in the world. Just like your old man. 10 years since you last got released from this dump. When you came back here, like what? 6 months ago - you question who I am? it's that criminal ego, I get it, I get that a lot too y'know. You have to eventually understand that you didn't rise to become a criminal just like that (pounds his chest) it's all training from the big man.

MAK - Can you not-

DEUCE - I remember the first day we both went to jail together, best moment of my life. Throughout my entire kidnapping career, y-you brought tears to my eyes. For once I was proud to go to jail with you. My own son, with me, in here. Great feeling, and that just kept on going y'know.

OFFICER 5 - Get back in your cell, tubby.

DEUCE - Hey watch it, T-Bone! I'll break your fingers.

OFFICER 5 - What was that?! (takes out a tazer).

DEUCE - Hey man! just a joke! (walks back with his hands up) Jeez, popo's these days.

[Act 7 Scene 1]

ZAK - (On the phone) Hello?

MONICA - (On the phone) It's me!

ZAK - (On the phone) Oh, h-hey babe.

MONICA - (On the phone) What's up?

ZAK - (On the phone) N-Nothing really um...(sniffs) j-just a bit tired.

MONICA - (On the phone) Y-You okay? sounds like a cold coming up.

ZAK - (On the phone) Nah, nothing really.

MONICA - (On the phone) A fever?

ZAK - (On the phone) I'm fine, I'm fine. Just.....the chilli flakes from the pasta - they got me down.

MONICA - (On the phone) Ah, I see.

ZAK - (On the phone) But yes, I'm fine.

MONICA - (On the phone) Heck of a party today.

ZAK - (On the phone) True that.

MONICA - (On the phone) Plans for our next date?

ZAK - (On the phone) I-I'll let you know later on - a bit busy with media work.

MONICA - (On the phone) Ah, I see. Well, no worries. Goodnight! (kisses).

ZAK - (On the phone) Goodnight.

MONICA - (On the phone) Kiss?

ZAK - (On the phone) (Kisses).

(they both hang up)

ZAK - Ridiculous. Why? Why him? uh.....let's see, got my tools and everything. Let's go!

[Act 7 Scene 2]


(Doug and Mak sleeping)

ZAK - (Chizzles the stone to reach the cell - he sees Mak, whispers) M-My brother. By blood (tears - taps on Mak's shoulder).

MAK - (Wakes up slowly) Who is it? (sees Zak and is shocked) y-y-you-

ZAK - I-I know, now shush. I've come to get you out.

MAK - How can I trust you?

ZAK - Look into my eyes, look at our hands, y-you see what I'm saying?

MAK - I must say, you've made fine details on my physique.

ZAK - Uh...let's go with that. Now come.

(Officer spots this)

OFFICER 3 - Alert! code red! We have an escape! Zak! on the lose again!

(officers chase after)

ZAK - Let's go! quick!

(they run away - wild chase)

ZAK - Come in!

MAK - Through the drain?

ZAK - Just get in!

(they both get in)

OFFICER 2 - Through the drains! we've found his escape hole! let's go!

[Act 8 Scene 1]

ZAK - Call your parents (gives the phone).

MAK - Okay then? (on the phone) Hello? mum? (aside) what do I tell them?

ZAK - Tell them to meet at your place.

MAK - You went to my place?!

ZAK - Just do it!

MAK - (On the phone) Come over to my place, as soon as possible (drops the call) done.

ZAK - Good, we're almost there.

OFFICER 2 - There he is!

ZAK - Shit!

MAK - Faster!

(they run even faster)

[Act 8 Scene 2]


ZAK/MAK - (Panting).

ZAK - I-I think we lost them!

MAK - You think?

ZAK - They're pretty slow. Experience.

MAK - I see.

(doorbell rings)

MAK - Police?!

ZAK - (looks through the peep hole) Parents.

MAK - Phew!

ZAK - Hide behind covers.

MAK - Why?

ZAK - Because....because I said so.

MAK - Fine (hides).

(opens the door)

MUM - Mak?

DAD - Mak? what is it?

ZAK - No j-just. I-I want to tell you the truth. I-I'm actually-

(police show up)

OFFICER 2 - Freeze!

(everyone except Mak, freeze)

OFFICER 2 - You think you could get away with us like that?

DAD - What did you do, son? why are the police here?

OFFICER 3 - Son?

MUM - Yes, this is our son. What right have you to arrest, Mak?

OFFICER 2 - Who the hell is Mak?

DAD - T-This is Mak.

OFFICER 3 - I know where you are! come out!!

ZAK - (Sticks his arms out).

DAD/MUM - (Gasps) Dear.

OFFICER 3 - So simple, no need to pretend. Tell it to the judge! let's go!

(they take him away)

MUM - T-They just took our son!

(Mak shows up from behind)

MAK - M-Mum? D-Dad?

MUM - W-What?!!! t-two Mak's?!

DAD - W-Who are you?! i-impostor?!

MAK - No! i-it's me, Mak.

DAD - Prove it.

MAK - February 10th, my birthday. Jessie, my mum. Clark, my dad.

MUM - Oh it's you!!

(they both hug Mak)

DAD - T-Then....w-who was that?

MAK - T-That was....Zak.

MUM - Zak!!

DAD - Zak!!

MAK - You know him?

MUM - Dear, we just went through this - about your brother.

MAK - Who?

MUM - Zak!

MAK - Zak?! Z-Zak is my brother?!

DAD - Twins. I-I'll tell you all over again. I probably told that story to Zak.

[Act 8 Scene 3]

OFFICER 3 - Into your cell! punk!

ZAK - I get it!

OFFICER 3 - What do you want?

DEUCE - I just want to talk to Zak.

OFFICER 3 - Five minutes, that's it.

DEUCE - Sure.

(officer leaves)

DEUCE - What is this, son? why are you trying to avoid me?

ZAK - (Tears) I-I met them.

DEUCE - You met who?

ZAK - (Tears) You keep saying, we don't fall out of the sky right?

DEUCE - Yes.

ZAK - (Tears) Well, I-I found where I belong. I-I met my real parents.

DEUCE - Y-You met-

ZAK - Yes.

DEUCE - (Feeling guilty).

ZAK - Y-You were the one?

DEUCE - (Nods).

ZAK - Y-You never told me. Why?

DEUCE - I-I've kidnapped so many people, and kids too. You, you were a one of a kind. You were so charming, I-I just couldn't resist trying to....y-you know, torture you. So I brought you under my wing. You were great at everything, just like your old man. Then, you know. You forgot about me.

ZAK - (Leans on Deuce) S-Sorry (crying).

DEUCE - (Hugs him) Me too.

ZAK - W-Will I ever see them again?

DEUCE - You want to go to them?

ZAK - I-I don't know (crying).

OFFICER 2 - Ehem!

(they both stop)

OFFICER 2 - Zak, you're off.

ZAK - What?

OFFICER 2 - Bail. A family is getting you out.

ZAK - A-A family-

(Mak and family show up)

ZAK/DEUCE - (Stand up).

DAD - Z-Zak. It's me. I-I'm sorry, son.

MUM - Come home, dear.

MAK - Bro, I-I need you (tears).

ZAK - (Turns back at Deuce).


ZAK - Huh?


ZAK - (Walks slowly to them and signs the paperwork) Wait!

OFFICER 2 - What?

ZAK - If you want me out, g-get my mate out.

OFFICER 2 - Who?

ZAK - Deuce.

DEUCE - Huh?

ZAK - (Tears - and rushes to him) Come on. I-I need you. You can be free now. Let go of this life. We've had a great time being those people, those were the days. Time for a change.

DEUCE - Um...

ZAK - I-I know your wife wants you back - e-even your daughter.

DEUCE - You remember?

ZAK - The stories you tell me - of this sister and mother.

DEUCE - W-What if they don't want me back?

ZAK - T-They will. Forgive and forget.

DEUCE - (Gets up).

ZAK - Dad? c-can you? h-he hasn't seen his family for years. I-Isn't fair.

DAD - Sure son, a-anything.

DEUCE - (Tears).

ZAK - Y-You're free.

DEUCE - (Hugs him) I-I didn't have a son. I always thought of you as my son, a-and now you've accepted it yourself.

ZAK - I'm yours by skill. Theirs by blood.

DEUCE - (Sniffs) Yes. Sir? Ma'am?

MUM/DAD - Yes?

DEUCE - Zak, Zak is a great kid. I-I'm really sorry for what I did that day. Tragedy indeed, a-and I felt bad for it later on. Zak, I've treated him as my own son. H-He truly does belong with you, I-I'm sorry for interfering with your lives.

MAK - S-Sure.

DEUCE - I'll take leave. Sir, Ma'am, sonny....Zak (tears).

ZAK - (Tears).

(Deuce leaves)

MUM - Oh Zakky! p-please forgive us.

DAD - W-We'll do better. Say we um...start all over?

ZAK - Sure.

[Act 9 Scene 1]

MUM - Well! this is your home! like it?

ZAK - It's good.

DAD - You'll be with your brother.

MAK - Bro, welcome back.

(Brothers hug)

[Act 9 Scene 2]

NANCY - Come in!

DEUCE - (Comes in).

NANCY - H-Honey?

DEUCE - Nancy.....(tears) I-I'm sorry.

NANCY - (Rushes over and hugs him) It's okay. I-I forgive you. That was a long time ago. Time to forgive and forget.

DEUCE - Zak....t-that's what Zak said.

NANCY - Zak?

DEUCE - M-My heartbeat. Helped me reach freedom.

SOPHIA - Mum? Dad!!

DEUCE - S-Sophia.

SOPHIA - (Cries) So glad you're back.

DEUCE - Me too dear.

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