The total understanding of anyone other than oneself is a near impossible occurrence. In truth, impossibility of this starts from the source, for most of us barely understand our selves. But, we are seldom bothered about these intricacies and are quite pleased with our judgement of others and one such prevalent judgment for each person becomes his/ her character.
So, we are all more or less defined on perception of confused but confident crowds. Some people deal with the definitions given to them very beautifully and battling against such adversaries actually builds stronger character and self understanding. But, this may not be the case with the unfortunate many who cannot sustain their beliefs about themselves through the pressures. What maybe to us, trivial fun at someone's expense, maybe to that someone, the worst tragedy.
I personally would never want to partake in the smallest way in someone's fall, simply because I have been there and i know how it feels. I can proudly say that i am above it for though I have been judged wrongly, i have tried to see the judge's folly as a natural human tendency to err. And what a grave folly theirs is, for their purpose is surely not served because in my sweet temperament, i find yet another reason to be madly in love with myself.. i have not fallen but become stronger.
Their definition of me is thus defeated.

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