It all happened when I was eleven years old; 4 years ago.. I had just returned from school that fateful day, I saw mum and her younger sister(my aunt), unusually sitting outside, apparently waiting for me to come..

I, being a student just returned from school, took off my heavy bag off my shoulders and sat down to take out my shoes. Both sisters stared at me uncomfortably, they have not said a word since I came. Then mum broke the silence..

"We just came from your sister's primary school", she started.
Then my aunt spoke:"and we wanted to make sure..I mean to ask..uhmmmm"
"If you have kissed your sister on the neck", mom completed it for her.

I stared at them, then smiled, I thought they were joking. "of course not"

"No, we just wanted to ask"

"Why asking me that question?"

Then mum related to me that there was a kind of red mark on my sister's neck. It could have been a mosquito or something like that, except that they told me it looked more like a 'human bite'..and when they went to complain to the teachers of the primary school, they denied any kind of accusations but instead blamed it on her now mature, older brother-ME!!!

4 years later, March 2013...

I was asked to keep distance from my sister. So I followed the commands faithfully. I now realize how severe was that accusation those teachers threw on me. I always feel like someone is keeping me under an eye, as if I'm a just-released-from-jail criminal. Every night mom shuts my sister's door(of her bedroom's) after she has dozed off and locks it..keeping the key with if I'm gonna burst inside and rape my own sibling..

You see now..what I mean by the title..

Tags: Short Story

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