Can love and relating be independent and free of any regulation ,social acceptance or has it become synonymous with trading of emotions with security?

The iconic pair of Radha and Krishna, even though they were never married, is worshiped by Hindus all over the world , there are sculptures of intimate acts on walls of temples in India.

Ironically, in the same country love has become a taboo and only accepted association between two people is of marriage.

What the social angle of marriage and contractual angle of legality has to do with love ? And how such a system came about in our society ?

Analysed carefully one discovers that the marriage institution is very ancient and dates back to the societies which were still living in bamboo huts.
There haven't been any changes in it let alone any improvements except few cosmetic ones.
Legalization of the same institution has only taken basic step in protecting rights of the women and men in case something goes wrong.

No-one is focused at happiness, the only focus is on permanence and rights. Are we really civilized ?

We need to probably look at the psychological aspect of love and assist the prevalent cultural and legal system with the benefits discovered in recent past in the said fields.

Its proven that emotional well being affects physical well-being and efficiency of a human, hence of a society collectively.
Despite these discoveries no efforts have been made to demolish arranged marriages based on family, money, status in Asian countries and even in few other developed (?) countries.

In my opinion no society and culture can be free until the person in it is free to choose her religion, her partner and her way of relating with this partner in question.

Only then there is emotional freedom and only then love can find its place in hearts again instead of sad or smiling stone idols and some wooden planks.

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