As they rightly, frequently and abundantly say, 'Old is Gold.' To have not heard of this phrase is quite unheard of even for someone. In fact, with an unappreciated beauty of modesty, this three-word catch phrase has smoothly seeped into our colloquial sub consciousness, cutting across several generations and making a comfortable room for itself. We won't be generally wrong, to assume that it is one of the few things, we have come across, that has not been analysed too well, because of the simple fact that, we hear of it more often than we read about it. Hence, this phrase doesn't seem to have been distilled beyond its status, of being 'just an archaic proverb from the dusty yellowed pages of literature'.
That could be one of the reasons, why it might be tough to find the slight alternation in its sense has missed the limelight. Few years ago, it was about those times, when reality shows had newly hijacked people's imagination and made them generous enough The idea one seems to project when he says-Old is Gold is no more restricted to being completely literal but instead what adds to the sense is or what people believe they are saying is that: Old is the undisputed best! When or how did this semantic mutation occur would be hard to trace. But is important to ask how far can its logic travel? Detaching from any sort of cynicism, I would like to reckon that the idea of the Ultimate, the Best, or the Superlative in a game, work, or competition of any possible consideration holds ground only at the end of the entire process. When we speak of 'old' and 'new', or 'past' and 'present' its 'Time' that we are speaking of. Time, apparently has no end. In a game of no end, who can at all declare the best?
The unassuming nature of our lives often lets the external stimuli of tawdriness, steal the glamour away from its core and we end up failing to attend the finer niceties of life. Hence, its never surprising when it escapes our realization how time and again, in our day to day lives are we caught in petty justifications of our preferences. Ask the television remote at house that has been facing the constant brutal onslaught of your varied preferences within the family, ever since its first day in history,- a guaranteed scenario at any house (unless you live alone or rich enough to afford a separate set of TV for each one of you in the family ). Time! It is not just a fundamental quantity of classical physics; the fourth co-ordinate in space-time continuum or an excuse to flaunt your trendy wrist watch. Time is rather the ink, in which, the infinite universe writes its eternal story of past, present, and future. This change is dynamic and is in possession of a multi-dimensional effect. It is ugly; it is beautiful. It is progressive; it is retrogressive. It is both bald and subtle. It is not the change that is pivotal, but the direction of change which is channeled by the gradient of thoughts and trends. And it should be maintained from the lesser truth to the higher. The fuel for this change can be attributed to the most unstable element in the universe that is yet to appear in any periodic table-'Human thought'. Nevertheless change seems to be triggered spontaneously in nature.
Like the storm, that leaves hollow unflagging silence behind itself, change too has an equally devastating affect on some. It leaves behind, a silence of internal attribute, it leaves behind- Prejudice. The biggest impact that any change leaves is that of creating new prejudices. Prejudice, is a pure sentiment of individualistic identity. It can at best be esoteric but never can it be understood at large. The silence of prejudice is tough to understand and hence often misunderstood. This is what causes the rift, that we infamously term- generation gap.
The habit of comparing between different times has driven many since time immemorial to meddle themselves in futile arguments of old and new.Its never wise to try to figure out the bigger star between 'Michael Jackson' and 'Elvis Presley'. Every age has its own problems, trends, protocols, and modus operandi. Out of them arises a hero. Every age has its own hero. May be the statistics tell who is better but we as rational beings, ought not to be fooled. The answer is never worth the quest.!

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