I'm glad
I could

Watch you grow up.
My cute baby.

I didn't have the heart to leave you.
At some stranger's mercy.

I watched as you flashed your first smile.
And when you struggled for an entire week.
To roll over.
Finally when you did,what a relief!
You could now view the world with a different perspective.

You grew chubbier by the day.
The doctor called you 'pehelwan'.
Though at his sight you let out a wail.

I'm glad I was there
When you went 'ka..ka..ka'
Your first words
Laughing gleefully
As you crawled up to me

Or the time you cried,terrified
When you heard the cooker's whistle
And fled at the sight of a mere sparrow!

You were my constant 'help' on the kitchen floor
Carefully arranging vegetable peels into small pans
Adjusting the right amount of water needed
As you let the filter water leak every where else
Then mixing the concoction thoroughly,spoon in hand
Like a pro
I watched amused, as you poured a bit onto your palm
Tasted it
Satisfied,shut the pan
Your cooking over for the day.

Your toys were mere skeletons of what they originally were
Still you kept playing with them
Throwing them down from the third floor balcony
Also was your favorite pastime
The dhobi's son,about your age
Loved to gather them
Or was it a secret arrangement between both of you?

We thought you'd be glad at the sight of your new baby brother
But were shocked
When you went up to him
And greeted him
With a resounding thump on his tiny chest.

I'm glad I was there
When you climbed up on to the cardboard box
In the balcony
To have a better look at the road below
When I caught you just in time!
Was highly relieved
As also when you had almost swallowed the 50 ps coin.

Your kid brother soon learned your ways
Now my troubles were doubled
I never minded
For the joy of seeing you grow up
Before my watchful eyes.

How embarrassed I was!
I had sent you downstairs to bring back
The toy you had dropped
On purpose.
But you greeted the servant boy
Clad only in a towel
With a gleeful

I'm glad
I was a part of your learning process
Your first speech
At school
The prizes you won
Academic excellence
For me the best part was
When your teacher commented
'He's a well brought up child'.

Now you are old enough
To make your own decisions
Charter your course in life
I can rest
My baby's grown up!

I'm glad
I could be there with you.

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