Hey guys,

Can I ask you something?
How many of you would want to advertise Writerbabu?
All your hands are raised.
(I sound like a strict bespectacled teacher.)

You shared this site with many on FB, twitter and maybe by word of mouth.
But just pause..
Suppose someone you invited just happened to peek in..
and saw someone singing on his guitar, "her tits are nice..her tits are nice.."
with so many other babus joining in, "..yeah, so nice..so nice..."
grooving to the tune..

Just imagine what the poor new fellow would think!
"Hello..is this a bar or something? I thought it was some serious minded writers' hideout!"
And he would saunter away in disgust.
So much for our advertisement!

I think you guys can do much more than that.
Just spend some more time at the keyboard..let the thoughts flow from deep within.
Write on science, on latest technology, on natural marvels, on eccentric human behaviour..
in fact there's so much to write..you'll are so talented!
but just plain lazy.

So please take up your pen, you novelists, poets, authors...
and start writing..
deep, inspiring stuff..
with more substance in it.

Next time some visitor pops in..
make him linger
with your creative finger
and ponder
over things unseen yonder..
shaking his head in wonder..
at your writing skill and thunder..

But please..don't pursue after him with your 'tit' song..!!!

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