I glanced through the papers yesterday. Horrifying news of the aftermath of the floods filled the pages.

A trip planned months in advance to meet their God turned to dust before their eyes.
Roads got washed away, their dreams woven for the future too.
Women lost their hubbies, kids their daddies.

News of people having lost several family members in the sudden devastation, starvation, epidemic, bodies rotting, men cutting off heads of corpses right in front of horrified onlookers, of belongings missing, houses looted, wallets grabbed, women raped, girls molested filled the page.

I read how some 'rescuers' tried to pounce on a man's daughter as soon as it grew dark and the man had to shell out ALL his belongings in order to save his daughter.

Don't know how many women must have gone through hell..targeted by lecherous men.

How could someone use such a terrible time as this to take advantage of a suffering human being?
How could someone trust anyone again after this?
No wonder they say that troubles really bring out people's truest colors.

The same rapists or would be molesters would have been on a pilgrimage too.
But with a different agenda altogether. Who knows if they touched women inappropriately as they waited with heads bowed, hands folded in the serpentine queue just to have a glimpse of their beloved God?

Who knows the same men had different thoughts cooking in their minds as they watched this vulnerable fairer sex doing obeisance?
As coconuts were showered ..flowers sprinkled, tilak applied.

The floods and the aftermath granted them the perfect opportunity.

Wouldn't it have been BETTER for folk to die than watch this happening to them later?

I turned the page. I just couldn't take it any more.

What I read next sent me rolling on the floor. It was hilarious.
A man is trying to sue FB because it didn't allow him to upload pictures of his stark naked GURU on FB.

I imagined a conversation between FB and him.

'Hello, is that Mr X?'
'We're sorry we can't allow you to upload naked snaps on our site.'
'Do you have an idea what you people are saying? He's my Guru. How dare you hurt my feelings?'
'But we don't allow naked pics here.'
'Who said he's naked? He's a man who gave up ALL his worldly possessions."
'Well, that's why I adore him.'
'Hello, we don't. He may be your Guru, but NO naked fotos please! Didn't you read the rules out here?''
'You have definitely hurt sentiments. I'm gonna sue you, you @#@$#@?'
'Go ahead. We'll send our FBI after you."

So folk, in short...
the battle over the GURU..

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