People are meant to leave at some point of time, sooner or later. But, it is people you really care for who matter, when they finally decide to leave you behind. Some people leave behind a open door, a chance to return but that remains like an unsaid promise that is never to be fulfilled. And some leave you, never to come back again. They are just a part of your memories, a distant star in the dimly lit night sky on a clear night. But still, all of them they leave behind an impression on our soul that is so deep that their void is never filled. We just bury the empty space in the haze of time and memories, trying hard every single night to push those moments away and catch some sleep.
I believe, I never failed in love. My destiny failed me; my love. It was a journey on the road of destiny and somewhere down the line I took a few wrong turns. But that doesn’t make my love a failure. I loved and I am proud of my love. I trust my love. My love will bring him back, one last time.
I have a lifetime ahead of me. The fire in me stills burns. The spirit of love is still as fresh as the day I first fell in love. Only now, I find it difficult to trust again. To love again. It is not about my faith on love, it is all about my faith on destiny. I have completely lost that.