We live in the 21st century. An age where woman has conquered every place from the kitchen to the corporate world and even space for that matter. And yet, woman is always looked upon as a subordinate, the weaker sex! We live in difficult times where woman are expected to be empowered, and yet people cannot see women at the helm of affairs. Crimes against women are on an all time high! The fight for justice, the fight of equality continues! But despite the grim situation, we still have women whom we can look up to, whom we can emulate!While growing up, we're always asked who's your hero or we tend to honour real life heros. But have we ever thought of our real life heroines?

Yes, we have women who have succeeded phenomenally! We have women in positions of power. But today I'm not speaking of those women who's work has been admired and appreciated. I'm speaking of those silent sentinels! The women who do a lot but get nothing in return! This is for the ordinary woman who does extraordinary things! We look for inspiration from the outside world. But have we cared to look around our own world? We have a Jhansi ki Rani and Rani Chennamma in the woman of today!

It may your mum who does everything for you and all she gets in return is your rude words! She has to work in the office and even at home, yet she gets everything done! She has the strength to bear your rude remarks, she has the courage to overcome all hurdles in order to make your life better, happier and peaceful. But do we take notice of it? We may do so at times, but most of the times we don't. We assume she is doing her duty of being a mother!

Or maybe take a look at the next door neighbour who takes care of her kids single handedly. She truly is embodiment of strength. Or maybe the maid who helps you out in all the work, but for her it's a struggle! A struggle to bring up her children and also deal with her drunken husband.

A woman plays different roles in our lives. The role of a mother, wife, sister, daughter, grandmother, aunt, cousin and a friend. But many times we fail to appreciate the things they do for us! This Women's day let us appreciate what they do for us! A salute to all the women around the world!

Those that are, and those that are growing up to be.

The daughters. The mothers. The sisters.

The fribblings – friends like siblings.

The wives. The girlfriends.

The aunts. The nieces.

The grand-somethings.

The young uns. The teens.

The women in your life.

Who love, lose, cry.

Laugh, heal, thrive.

Nurture. Create.

Happy Women's day!

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