I have no extra beauty and my Dad has no extra money !! So I am not a marriage material.

Even in the modernized society of today, these things matter so much. People run after what they think - is modern. I hear every single person, specially the educated and the ones who appear wise, opine that beauty is what is within and not the external show; relationships build on care and love, not on false concern as shown. But as a matter of fact, this is all so wrong. There is no one who truly is ready to forego beauty which is not seen or live with someone who is not fair, beautiful and gori... yet a lovable person who cares and senses vital things of a relation.

Unlike the normal practice I do not want to lecture on things like these - what is correct and what not. However I am sick of people who lack the courage to speak up their minds and thoughts clearly. If you can't... admit and say it.... Marriages in Indian societies, and more in certain sections of it, is still a time taking process where the guy's side are all divine beings and need to be pleased. These divine people, however are too sweet and humble to tell anyone that we cannot get your daughter into our house because she is not the kind of show piece we want to display to the society as an achievement. Afterall all guys are by default handsome... so this does not hold good a condition for them anytime.

And yes...second part of the story... money !!

Unfortunately a girl's dad does not save enough since her childhood for making her future bright !!! What a CRIME !!
With majority of our population in the Middle middle class segment, it is an unthinkable crime to not save loads for your daughter's marriage. To top it all if your daughter lacks beauty and charm (which generally is believed to be in the eyes of individuals having differing definitions); God... there is no way she can think of marriage !!

Conclusively, its a stage where I have come to believe that there is nothing like family, love, concern and life long relation that a girl can expect if the above conditions are true in her life !! I just keep wondering .... should it really be this way ??? Open up and admit what is there in your minds guys .... why do you cause so much pain to a female in every damn aspect of her life.... foeticide,teasing, harassment, rape, domestic violence, balance between work and family.............. is every damn thing is meant for her ???

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