I click on the red notifications..and it goes like this...

3 'more' commented on "......"
i click and see..oh it shd be 'one' more..not 3

28 'more' took poll for.."....."
now when it says 28 more..shdn't it be added 28 more?
but here it's only 'one' more added to previous 27.
If looks can deceive!

..and they gave hmm, hats off, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm, hats off, hmmm,...the song book of hmmms go on till the end interspersed with maybe one nice, few hats off more and hmmmm, hmmmm......
Well, if i knew these guys had sent me a train of hmmm attached bogies beforehand..I wouldn't have opened!

It seems some guys are determined to offer me a plateful of 'humm'burgers...simply just to 'hummm'ble me!

I glance at these silly notifications again.

1 more took poll for and they gave nice.
Now what on earth is that? Took poll for what?
Surely taking a toll on me!

3 'more' took poll for '....' and they gave nice.
okay, when I check it's only one person that really polled!

Red notification has started to exaggerate.
It makes me go red.

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