In nothingness...
is solitude
which in introspection
churns out frothy, deep thoughts
opposing each grain of reason
that's blown off like chaff
by faith in oneself
daring to step out
birthing great ideas
en route to a new venture
leading to fulfillment
resulting in fruitfulness
scattering seeds around
each with terrific potential
then lies buried in the ground
for days and days
in nothingness...

till the tiny leaf sprouts
breaks out through hard ground
so dark, foreboding
to grow into a tree eventually
a shade to birds and animals
humans are blessed too
so why complain?

lie buried in hope's soil
soak in His love's sunshine
then with wings of faith
you'd soar and soar
higher and higher
like an eagle in full flight
so learn the art
of appreciating nothingness...

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