Nothing is Permanently Perfect,
So never put your thoughts to which,
has been failed in times. There are
peoples who Love someone deeply
that they even get ready to give
up Anyone or Anything on the process
to be with them forever, no matter
what its value is, but sometimes what
they get in return is Nothing but a
Hope that they would also be loved
the same way they Love. Never get
disappointed that they won’t love you,
or They love someone else. You have
been Loved, Lived ! That is important.
Not everyone get a chance to do so,
but sometimes love won’t be yours,
Just because the time for your love
has not yet arrived. In the words of
Cheryl Strayed, have the courage to
break your own heart. That’s
awesome if you really like each other,
and even if everything is swell but yet,
somewhere you know, this person
doesn’t absolutely rock your world,
you need to let go. When we fall in
love with someone there’s a moment
when we take a picture of that person,
an emotional snapshot, that we carry
with us forever. If we’re lucky, very
lucky as time for your love would
match up, only then the person we fall
in love with will always resembles that
snapshot. Sometimes Never seek the
miraculous, if you do then you keep
seeking. Life is unimaginably short
and passes even faster than you think
it can, there will be enough average
things in your life. Don’t let love be
one of them. Because it’s
Unconditional, life changing – mind
altering – madly passionate love that
you find yourself inherently invested in
with every bit of your heart. If there is
a person who is there beneath the
layers of your heart being every part
of it – Then that is the love call of
yours. Be with who uproots you and
makes you realize you didn’t know
how deeply your soul could stretch
loving them. Importantly, Be with
who really, actually, genuinely, truly,
madly, deeply, passionately loves you.
Because they are really hard to find.
Hope is not the “Spare wheel” that
you pull out when in trouble, but it is
a “Steering Wheel” that directs the
right path of your Dreams. The tides
of life won’t always bring you back
ashore - Sometimes, you have to row
yourself over. Often, nothing changes
until YOU change it. Nothing is better
until you make it in your way. Most of
them often judge themselves by the
past, Stay afraid to move up. Past is
what has been over, It is the history
which has happened and one should
learn and change the history rather
than be afraid and stay put. Why do
you think the car’s Front Glass Shield
is larger and the Rear view mirror?
Just because our PAST is not as
important as our FUTURE. So always
look ahead and move on. Just waiting
around for something to happen,
lamenting that it isn’t, wishing,
hoping, praying for it to change,
doesn’t always ensure that it will. Go,
move, act, speak. Your days are
slipping by you, and everyday you
spend colourless life is another you
miss in being extraordinary. So Don’t
Settle until you find, Mind-blowing-
rushing-miraculous love, if that’s
what you really want. get up and leave
if the person whom you love never
love you back. Don’t hold on because
you think you’ll never find someone
else. If you’re even a little bit unsure,
leave rather than swelling your
complete life with them. Your
uncertainty should tell you that at the
very least, you need to explore other
avenues. If those roads lead you back,
Great. If they don’t, Great. Wanting to
leave is enough reason to go. And
believe me, one way or another, you
will eventually wind up where you’re
supposed to land. So when Love
Shatters Don’t wait a moment to cry
for it, rather being you the real you,
the strongest part of you into the
world. That is when you can win over
and get the real love which you
Because, Love is not the every part of
life, and every one whom you love
isn’t Love you are looking for.
Because, Love is not that you lay
inside the room, locked up and cry for
hours, Instead it is the Light that
make you shine, and bring you all the
joy and happiness that you deserved.

- Dedicated to all the people who
loved truly but couldn’t succeed, who
loved and left alone, who loved and
yet waiting for their love to return to
them understanding the True love of
each others.

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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