The pest control chap visited our place today.He did a thorough job,injecting the deadly medicine into every nook and corner without my prompting.
I was impressed.To top it all,carefully extricating fragments of the old past,he swept the kitchen clean.I gave him a 'very nice service' as remark on his paper.Then he stretched out his hand and demanded,'Diwali Baksheesh'.
No wonder.That's the reason he made an extra effort today.

I heard of a woman who opened a place for people to vent out their frustrations.They could scream,bang on the walls,do just about anything for 1 hour.Everyday.Of course for a price.

The doctor speaks little,but only when his wallets full.

Nothing in life comes free.Except air,water and advice.

My friend gave me tips when I wanted to bake that birthday cake,that no cookery book would dare give.
That too free.
It turned out awesome.
Another one suggested a home made remedy to lose that paunch.
'Just nibble on a few grains of raw rice in the mornings'.

But free advice is usually given little value.The friend turned philosopher rants on and on about his views on life,whilst his hearer snores.
The elderly woman coaxes her niece gently about how to behave in her husband's home.
She hates it.
Sons rebuff parental discipline.

So the trick is to give free advice only when it is asked for.Then it would be respected and the recipient benefited greatly.

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