A tiny organ. But extremely dangerous.
Like the rudder of a ship, which steers its direction in stormy seas, so can the tongue!
A tiny bit in the large horse's mouth makes the owner veer it anywhere he wants to go.
So could our mouths decide our very destiny!

Can you believe it has such immense power? That it can set on fire the course of nature?
That it could ruin people's lives, shattering them completely?
Full of deadly poison.
It blesses its Maker but curses the created being.

It criticizes, gossips, destroys relationships.

It's unruly and the most untamed of all things in the world.
Any wild animal can be tamed. But the tongue?
Extremely difficult to tame.

The sign of a fully mature, perfect man or woman is gauged by his ability to speak right on all occasions. He speaks little, listens more. He hates to criticize, belittle others. He reigns his tongue in, at all times.
His mouth is a well of life. Full of life giving words.

The complete man is NOT the Raymonds man in suit and tie.
The one who controls his tongue....
that man surely is a complete man.

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