"A curse causeless shall not come to pass."

When we were in Delhi, there were these 'Chakkas'..eunuchs, who used to roam from house to house in our locality to grab money from households celebrating the birth of a baby or marriage. Well-to-do people in our area always gave in to their preposterous demands for huge sums of money, fearing lest these folk curse them.

One afternoon I heard our door bell ring. I found two-three of their kind asking for money for our newborn.
I refused. They couldn't threaten us as if at knife point.
I closed the door tightly shut and prayed silently. They were still shouting at the door.
I didn't want them to smash their way in.

"Tera bachha mar jayega, mar jayega." they chorused as one.
With no response from me, they soon left.

Seventeen years passed since that day. Nothing untoward has happened to my son.

I always wonder why we get so scared of people cursing us. A curse without any cause or even otherwise cannot affect us.

We often allow others to manipulate us into having their way over our lives...we cower into submission unnecessarily.

We must stand straight and tall.
With Him on our side, and a clean conscience too, we shan't fear anyone.

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