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A vague wish
Don't wanna be Anonymous
No more,
At-least not this time.

What will happen if I appear with my name
I was the one who uses that name every where
I love my pen name
Then what's the problem

Oh, come on ...
If it is the sadness you don't wanna show off
Everybody has some of it
You being sad is not a crime
this is what my bright light blinks for, to make it visible to me

I understand, it's not
but, that sad post will then not be dispatched from my name
Wanna move on
Leave the sadness behind with that post
Leave those feelings behind with those words
wanna come out of that quagmire of regrets_ they are unhealthy
Leave the thought of "the" times just behind me, where I am never gonna look again
That is why I appear anonymous against my wish

So, here Again I am with another anonymous post
Where my name will not be known, and
thus never be remembered for this or any other grim post

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