I was brought here from my home town in UP. I thought they would find me a job. They knew we were poor. Living hand to mouth.

I came here with great expectations. I have heard of this great city. I wanted to work..make lots of money. Maybe open a beauty parlour..cater to actresses. Who knows I could have become famous!

I wished to see Sharukh, my idol. My village raves about him. I love his gyrations..his narrations.
I had millions of dreams. They were mine.

The two men seemed nice. Gave me good food. Promised me the moon.
I set foot on Mumbai soil for the first time ever. I was fascinated. The sheer intensity..the vivacity.. of this place. To top it, the capacity of this city to hold millions in its bosom like an insatiated would- be mother..I stood transfixed in wonder.
I was amazed by its never ending energy.

The sun was hot. Scorching me. We had cool juice at the vendor. He eyed me from top to bottom. I felt uncomfortable.

We reached a shabby place.
"We want you to meet a friend of ours," the men said.
They took me in.

The man, an ugly fellow in his mid thirties..took one long look at me.
"Maal theek hai", he nodded to the others as he waved at them to leave.
I was shocked.

He pounced on me. I yelled to the others who were about to leave.
" I won't do this, you cheats," I protested vehemently, thrashing about violently, screaming my lungs out.

Wild with rage..they took me aside..punched some of my teeth off..and one of them took a sharp knife and cut off my breasts.
They fled leaving me bleeding and screaming in pain.
I fainted.
The police arrived. The goons were soon caught..put behind bars.

Here I am..back to square one.
Coping with my parents, in my little village.
I don't feel womanly any more.
I am only twenty four.

Here I am..
Moping over myself..
paying the price for being so naive..
For resisting evil..
I had millions of dreams.
Not supposed to be mine.

( based on true story..)

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