At midnight when you are at leisure (because you know next day you don’t have to go to work) and watching a Nicholas Spark movie, pausing the movie for ten minutes and doing a quick delicious cooking for you could add some more fun in such few lonely spent moments.

I have always been fan of Nicholas Spark adaption (The Lucky One this night). And added up spice to picture my foodie tooth and cooking interest! There was nothing but a capsicum, few tomatoes and onion so here I want to share the recipe of what I cooked and enjoyed with this beautiful movie companioned by a strong adrak-ilaichi tea.

Do nothing much but put the flame on lowest and put the tomato in the between of flame and watch it burn (While you do so, you can definitely sing the Rihanna track). Meanwhile undress an average size onion and cut into two half pieces. Stuck knives into onion pieces and capsicum and grill on flame really well. Here we go! Cut the heated black tomato into four and rip apart all the slices of onion. Just a little bit of lemon with a pinch of salt and garam masala. And yea! Don’t forget the key of taste that is green coriander.

Enjoy! And do let me know please with which movie you mixed it up.

P.S. tomorrow night Chocolat (My super favorite Juliette Binoche and Johny Depp)

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