Was working on the new profile page design and I thought I should share how its taking shape ...

am super excited with this cover image concept ... I must confess its inspired by facebook and twitter!!
It has just been just one day when I sit down to redesign it, there will be many many iterations before it can go live ... its just a teaser ...
There is one thing am bothered about and still not able to figure out. How will I decide wether a person uploads light background cover image or dark background cover image ... in both cases the text color of the profile name ( and other text ) will be different ...
any suggestions? ... will it be okay if you are not allowed to upload your own cover image but choose from a set of images available on WB?? I think that would be bad ... what say? Also will it be okay if you are asked to provide this detail about background of the cover image ... ??
but how will I handle a cover image which is dark in some parts n light background in some parts ?? ... just thinking out loud ...
anyways lets see ... will learn new things in the process ...
At this point I must quote a quote on learning:
"You can never learn and look good at the same time ... "
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Comments (22 so far )
srijan bhai we okay i am okay if we choose frm the pictures given on wb...
just keep combination of pictures some light and dark...soo a person can choose...
just keep combination of pictures some light and dark...soo a person can choose...
June 18th, 2014
great ... so I will make it live with just one cover for everyone and then add options to choose from a set of cover image and then will get down to option for uploading your own cover image ... step by step ...
you guys may have to wait till this weekend though ...
thank you so much guys for your feedback and poll ... :)
you guys may have to wait till this weekend though ...
thank you so much guys for your feedback and poll ... :)
June 18th, 2014
Awesome. :)
Similar header cover images for home page and other important pages would be great. Those images may contain some descriptive text in beautiful font for new users to make it easy to understand for them. It will make Writerbabu more beautiful.
One more demand. Can we get a feed or history of posts where we comment so that its easy to find out those posts?
Take your time ...
Similar header cover images for home page and other important pages would be great. Those images may contain some descriptive text in beautiful font for new users to make it easy to understand for them. It will make Writerbabu more beautiful.
One more demand. Can we get a feed or history of posts where we comment so that its easy to find out those posts?
Take your time ...
June 19th, 2014
Valid points ....
June 23rd, 2014
Made it live last night only: http://www.writerbabu.com/post/its-live!-so-how-is-my-profile-cover-/11398/
how many of you have checked?
how many of you have checked?
June 23rd, 2014
Hey, what is it about the new font? Is the size okay? or is it the font family ( style)?
June 24th, 2014
Font style. Or maybe we were so used to the original one. Try reducing the size maybe? I've to zoom out my screen hehe
June 24th, 2014
Okay, so its definitely a major reason that we all are so used to the old one because am feeling absolutely normal as I have already spent sometime while I was experimenting.
Can you send me a screenshot of posts page? also tell me which browser and OS you are using. My email is srijan@writerbabu.com.
I am using Mac! So maybe every OS don't behave the same.
Can you send me a screenshot of posts page? also tell me which browser and OS you are using. My email is srijan@writerbabu.com.
I am using Mac! So maybe every OS don't behave the same.
June 24th, 2014
I personally think that the new font is super awesome ... I will send you a screenshot for what it looks to me on my laptop.
June 24th, 2014
I too think it's good, just in the habit to log in with the old home page :)
June 24th, 2014
I find the new font to be very good.It's more convenient to read the posts.Also,the profile is great.Happy to see the improvements :)
June 24th, 2014
Home page is gonna change very soon ... working on that now ...
June 25th, 2014
Awesome ...
June 25th, 2014
Thanks for the suggestion on home page ... its just that am working on ...
June 25th, 2014
had been thinking to remove the friend system altogether and keep just the follow option ... it makes the system a bit complex unnecessarily ... yet to finalise this ...
June 29th, 2014
And, why don't you keep it simple, like the same for all. Like Facebook and Twitter, they have white coloured texts irrespective of what cover photo we upload it will always remain the same.
So you can keep it alike for all.
I.hope I've not misunderstood what you were saying.