“Should we remix all the songs for the student’s night?” Muskaan asked.
“I would prefer if we mix all the songs together and dance in them. The skit is also too interesting. A new girl is joining the school. Her name is Tania right?” Aishwarya said.
“Girls now watch how Naina is dancing and you will follow her.” Sunita madam said.
After some practise they sat down. Then a girl entered with untidy school uniform.
“Hi I am Aishwarya or Aisha as they fondly call me. This is Muskaan, Naina ...” Aisha said
“This is a school or factory of names? This is Tania.” Tania interrupted.
“It was quite rude.”
“I hate being polite.”
“You will not understand. I hate this school in short.”
Before the girls could ask any more question Sunita madam asked to practise once again.

Next day Muskaan saw Tania and asked- “What are you doing here?”
“I just wanted to go to the library. Your school is too big. I can’t find a single place.”
“You are new. In some time you will learn and discover this school. Not only the school, the hostel is also interesting. My room is adjacent to yours, by the way with whom are you sharing your room?”
“A girl named Khushi. She is more irritating than you.”
“Sometimes you will also have to adjust. Learn it.”
“I don’t need your silly ideas. I have lived without them for almost a decade and half and can manage well now too.”
“As you wish.”
“See I am going to find library in your stupid school but you keep my books in my room.”
Before Muskaan could say anything, Tania left.
Muskaan went to her room and saw everything simply thrown on the bed, Tania’s wardrobe in such a bad condition that even Khushi wouldn’t like living there.
“Tania is so careless. I won’t be surprised if she keeps losing things. Poor Khushi. I should now clean it a bit as I’m sure Tania won’t.” thought Muskaan.
While cleaning she saw a diary and a bookmark on a page. Out of curiosity she opened it-

24th March 2011 Thursday; After 9pm
Dear Diary;
Mom and Dad are going to America to promote their business. They wanted to take me but I refused. France means my country to me. Being an Indian I should love India but I haven’t gone there. After staying in a country from birth to about 14 years of age, how can one consider any other country his/her own? As a punishment I am being sent to India in any school called “Valley of knowledge”. I am of course sad. However it is only for two years and I am supposed to stay in a hostel, share my room and what not. What would I tell Marc, Julia, Cindy and my other friends? I will behave so badly that my parents have to take me back to France and stay with me there.
Meanwhile Tania saw it and said “No one ever dared to open my diary and you dared to read it!”
“No I was just cleaning your desks and I saw it so I opened to see and...................” “Not a word more. You got to know my secret that why I am here. About everything that I wanted to hide.”
“I will not reveal it.”
“I do not trust you.”
“Tania all you need is a friend right now. I wanted to tell you that Aisha, Naina, Khushi and me, we are going for a picnic. Will you join us? We are going to Subarnatat or the Golden Beach. If you are interested then meet us at 7am tomorrow below the hostel. And now cool down, this is really a stupid thing to do.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that troubling your parents is not good.”
Next morning Tania did come.
“I love to make new friends be it my old school or new.” Tania said.
“Do you like our school or not?”Aisha said
“Not exactly like but now I don’t hate it so much. Muskaan you are like Julia, always quarrelling with me to teach me and Aisha you are like Cindy, knowing that I will not change but not losing hope. I see my friend’s reflection in your characters so how can I be an enemy?” Tania said
“We are not friends we are best friends!” Aisha said.
That picnic was fun they mixed all the cold drinks and poured or rather sprinkled in over one another.
“So Tania, you must be knowing French.”
“Yes of course.”
“How to say ‘I enjoyed myself in the picnic’?”
“Je m’amuse dans le picque-nique.”
Tania realised that she was really a big idiot who refused friendship to such good friends. Without friends she would have wasted the two years.
Two years passed away like a few minutes. After two years her mother and father came to take her. Next day was her birthday. She wanted to spend it with her friends so they went for shopping and movie.
“Tia what is your wish?” Tania {Tia’s} parents asked
“Can I ask for anything?”
“Yes. It is your 16th birthday.”
“Can I stay here with Aisha and Muskaan for completing the rest of my studies at least my college and school?”
“Oh! We would be happy if you.”
“Thank you.”
“Tia we would be visiting your school once in every year. Bye.”
Tania waved goodbye with tears of happiness flowing from eyes.

Tags: Short Story

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