BOOKS and FILMS have a long back story with each other....Many books were adapted into movies and a few films were penned down.......
But many book adaptations weren't good as the books itself....lets give you a very bright and recent example of Twilight....the books and the movies were bestsellers in their respective fields but did the film do justice to the book????.....I mean Bella looked as if suffering from asthma and Edward from constipation...besides Twilight we have my favorite the Hunger Games......
Jennifer Lawrence did justice to the role but Peeta looked more like her little brother than a love interest......and the film had no was like they took the best scenes out of the book,shot them and placed them together....I was greatly disappointed..
And it has been said never see the movie of the book you have read because it is not necessary what we interpret of a character the same director does....and if our imagination does not match we feel it was not worth watching.....
And storyline of many books have been changed for screen adaptation.... for example Prince Caspian was changed for the good...and it is not necessary what we like to read is definitely what we like to watch.......Harry Potter was an impressive series of films...but when I popped this topic with my friend, she quickly denied it by saying," Book was great but movie was awful."...
Then I guess her imagination didn't match what the screens were showing so it is better to keep a book as a book...because sometimes the movies disappoint the readers of the books...and besides Stephenie Meyer said that she never described Bella properly in the Twilight series because she wanted everyone who reads the book to be Bella and experience her life........and definitely none of the Twilight readers matched Kristen Stewart!!!!......
With this I conclude,if you read a book and have the heart to be challenged by some other's interpretation of the same stuff that you have read then see its movie.....and if you see a movie which also coincidentally has a book, then get ready to see the characters change and the story manipulate... what you say, am I right????

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