Stubborn rain pounded with a rush to the window ,
Moldy feeling - a crust of bread ,
Nerves of steel were cut on glass,
On the glass of life - with a crunch and spark..

And with bounce the cup fell and pieces flew
Will multiply into thousands of pieces, i knew.
I remembered the cute curls
Which had me nervous crumple .

I remembered a moment of touch ,
Which remained a "secret bank "
I become thin..i become gray shadow
Illusion broken in your frame ...and it wasn't the day but dark and shallow.

Stubborn rain pounded with a rush to the window ,
I knew that the desire to have accomplished ...was my dream being a weirdo.
Nerves of steel were cut on glass again..
Tell me, darling, you do not remember about us or it all went in vain?

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