Everyone of us has been blessed by god.We seldom acknowledge that.I would like to thank god today for blessing me with a sister.No,I and my sister are not blood relations.We have not spent our childhood having pillow fights or falling off bicycles.I met my sister in college.Maybe it was god's own plan.I have laughed and cried,confided and got angry over small things of my sister since then.Its not been a relationship without thorns.People chide me and say that I love her behind my back.I then go and tell them upfront that my sister means the world to me,possibly they can't imagine that thing from the narrow perception of their minds.I have been protective of my sister like any other brother.I have been scolded by her for being careless.I have been encouraged by her when I was down and out.I know now that whatever happens she won't ever leave me.We have enjoyed our moments and we trust each other deeply.No,ours is not a normal relationship but then special relationships don't happen everyday.My sister is the most truthful friend I will ever have.Its because she doesn't envy me and because my joy is her joy.It doesn't pain that much when I have to leave relationship column of sister blank in many documents for I know my relationship can't be expressed on paper.I know it sounds strange but for me,its perfectly normal.Thank you god for blessing me with the cutest princess in the world!!

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