Continued from

'Ayushmaan Bhav' said Mahadev

'Oh Lord! Oh Mahadev! I am truly blessed. The supreme god is standing in front of me. Mahadev, I feel safe at your feet. I would like to spend my remaining life at your feet itself.'

'Get up my child, Get up. You were chosen to come here because you only had the questions, which I wanted to answer. Get up and ask me. I am very eager to answer those questions' said Mahadev, with a soft smile on his face.

We both walked to a nearby rock. Mahadev sat on the rock and I sat on the ground near Mahadev's feet, which was just like the feeling of heaven.

'Mahadev, the questions which I am going to ask has been troubling me all my life. I am always eager to know that who am I and why have I taken birth?'

'My child, few moments back only, you had told that you are Mahadev, then why is this doubt arising in your mind? Every living being in this world is Mahadev. They just don't identify themselves that who actually they are. If they don’t identify themselves then how could they know, what they have to do in their life or what they have taken birth for. They need to find the answers themselves that what they are and why have they taken birth. My child, now you have identified yourself as Mahadev, so now its time for you to go and find out by yourself that what you are born for.’

‘Oh my lord Mahadev! You are great. The answer of the question of my life was so simple and I couldn’t know it. Mahadev, I have more questions. Why the people in this world are always creating chaos? Why can’t they leave peacefully?’

‘Nice question, indeed. It is not just, due to only one reason, but when many reasons come together then it creates a worldwide chaos. One of the reasons is the greed and jealousy of man. The more a man gets, the more he demands. It does not mean that you should become satisfied and sit idle without doing your work. You should continue doing your karma. Try to reach the greater heights in a right way, not by taking the wrong path because the wrong path will ultimately lead to your destruction. Also, forget about hating people, about taking revenge from anyone. The life is very short for hating people. Utilize it by loving others. Don’t live for yourself, but live for others. Try helping others. Try giving others, but not taking from others. When every person cares and lives for others then they will never harm each other. This can bring peace to the world.’

‘Mahadev, I have heard many people saying each other that they love each other and cannot live without them. Mahadev, can you please explain me, what actually is love?’

Mahadev smiled.

‘Love is the most beautiful feeling in this world. Even a god cannot stay away from this feeling of love. Love can be towards anybody, your parents, and your other relatives. Your love can be even towards the animals. However, you always know that you love them very much. But some day, another person enters your life and affects your life a lot. You suddenly start loving the person but you itself don’t know about the feeling. It takes some time for you to realize that you are in love with that person. However, when you realize it, then you feel the most beautiful feeling of the life. You must be thinking that the same feeling may occur for your best friend or for any other friend. But the answer will be “NO” because the feeling of loving a person will never occur for any other person even if your friend is very close to you. It is the most different feeling. The feeling will be incomparable to any other happiness in this world. You will never want to lose that person. Even if you are miles away from your true love, you will feel that you two are very near because your souls are always connected to each other. You can feel the pain of your loving partner even if they don’t tell you about their pain. You will try to break every barrier, which comes between you and your love. If your partner is happy, then you become the most happiest person in this world and if your partner is sad, you will try every possible way to make them happy. If anyone tries to harm your partner…your love, then you will gain the power of fighting with the whole world only for your love. You will never think about your life while fighting for your partner but you will always be caring about her happiness and safety. Even the most grievous wound won’t hurt you but a scratch on your partner will make you cry blood in form of tears. When your partner gets angry from you and you try to appease in whatever way you can, then it is also the love. Also, you try to fulfill your partner’s every need in every possible way. Love is not just only taking extreme care of each other but it is the connection between two lives. Not even, I can describe love completely because its description can never end. Love is to be experienced. Even though love gives the incomparable happiness in this world but it gives so much pain when you part from your partner. You die for them everyday. Somehow, if you come out of the pain of love after experiencing it, then you become immune even to the most grievous wounds, means that even the deepest wounds will be just a minor scratch for you because no wound is deeper than the wound of parting with your love. Nothing is more painful than the pain of love.

‘Mahadev, my next question is about gods. Why there are so many gods but why not only one god for all the religions. All the religions should believe in only one god. Why isn’t it so?’

A very simple and short answer for this question. Its not the god’s fault that they are different but it’s the fault of you humans. Initially, there was only one god, who created this universe and created the human. But the humans first divide themselves into different religions and castes and then they started dividing us on the basis of their own self created religions. Now, some humans are blaming us that we have divided them according to religions. If you believe and pray to only one god, who initially created the universe then you will be blessed with every god. Don’t divide us. Think of us as only one.’

‘Thank you, Mahadev. My questions are all finished. I thank you sincerely to provide me such knowledge. I would never ever forget this. I will never forget my meeting with Mahadev.’

I touched Mahadev’s feet with my forehead again and after a few moments, Mahadev had disappeared. I felt asleep near the rock where Mahadev had sat and talked with me. But suddenly, I heard a strange voice, this time a different one, like of some lady. When I opened my eyes, I saw that my mom before me and I was lying on the floor at my home.

‘Why were you sleeping on the floor?’ asked my Mom.

‘Mom, do you that I met Mahadev recently? I asked him all the questions, which ran through my mind every time. And, he answered them all.’

‘Ok…Ok…Very good. Now go and take bath’ frowned Mom.

‘Mom, don’t you believe me?’

Yes, I believe you. And you know what? I also met Mahadev today’ teased my Mom, as she left the room.

Even though others don’t believe it, but I believe it. Even though my body was here, but my soul was with Mahadev, because my body can’t reach Mahadev, only soul can.


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