I was sitting on my bed at home and was thinking deeply about god…about Mahadev. Suddenly, the environment around me changed. I was in a deep forest, where not even a single photon of light could enter through the thick woods. Nothing was visible. A strong voice spoke to me from nowhere.

‘Your task is to find the god…the almighty…the Mahadev…He is somewhere here. Find him.’

Hearing the voice, I became happy and decided to find Mahadev at any cost.
I started walking but just after a moment, I dashed with a tree and my head became dizzy. However, forgetting this, I started walking again but this time, I tripped and fell down. I got up and started walking again, but again I could not move forward. I felt so depressed but suddenly a thought struck me.

What am I doing? This body can never reach the god, only my soul can reach there. If Mahadev has brought me here, then he will only show me the way.

I closed my eyes slowly. Just after closing my eyes, everything seemed to appear so clear. There were two paths before me. One of them was a straight path covered by rose petals and the other was a long path having many curves and was covered with thorns.

‘I know that this is my test. Whatever way I choose, I will ultimately. Its just like a hardworking man and a lazy man. Whatever they do in their life, eventually they will reach you after their death. These two roads are just like the life of those lazy and hardworking persons. If I walk on this straight path, after a while, I will get a point where I have to walk on the thorns but if I choose this curved path, I will have to walk on thorns but I will get the way filled with roses at some point of time. Mahadev, I prefer this curved road to reach you.’

I started walking on the road, my eyes still closed and thorns pricking my leg. As expected, after walking a long distance, I felt some relief as I stepped on the rose petals. As soon as I reached the end of the road, I saw a large temple with huge statue of Mahadev, standing and holding the Trishool in his hand, Ganga flowing through his matted hair. I bent down before the idol of Mahadev with great respect and reverence and spoke out loudly from inside of my heart.


Then I called out for the voice.

‘I have found Mahadev. I fell down a lot of times and walked on those thorns and finally I have found Mahadev.’

‘NO! You haven’t found Mahadev. This is just an idol of him. You have to find Mahadev itself’ said the voice.

‘But Mahadev is inside this statue. Not only inside this statue but also around us, in these tree and also inside us. You are Mahadev and even I am Mahadev.’

‘That is the point. You know, where Mahadev is but still you came here to find him. Now that you have realized, find him, call him.’

Realizing the mistake of finding Mahadev all around the world and not finding him in ourselves, I joined my hands and prayed from deep within my heart and soul.


‘Open your eyes, my child’ said Mahadev.

As soon as I opened my eyes, Mahadev was before me. My eyes became wet. Tears were overflowing from my eyes. There was a mixture of joy, surprise, happiness. I bent down on my knees, touched, and held Mahadev’s feet with my both hands. I kept my forehead on his feet. A drop of tear fell from my eyes and as soon as it touched Mahadev’s feet, it turned into a shining pearl.

My meeting with mahadev part 2

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