This care I show
Every time I protect you,
But at this same time
From you I overdue.

Terror and shocks apart
This love seems to be beautiful,
Your talks are like joyful stuffs
Which makes my life wonderful.

I want to say
What I feel,
But unfortunately in past
I had some deal.

We are never growing
From a relation called friends,
You said this before
And I, idiot girl, accepted it like a latest trend.

How do I say?
Those words I want to,
Do you even feel the same?
Please hand over some clue.

All those letters we wrote
Were full of speechless words,
And I used to read them
Just like I was a nerd.

There’s something I hide
Every stuff is known,
But am scared that someday
If by mistake the truth is blown.

You might break this
This relation we share,
This is the reason why
I don’t dare.

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