I love the ocean,the blue and vast ocean whose depth has no end....
But I fear from its depth.So many layers and each layer with a different face...
A person like me can never know what lies in its depth....

I was floating on its surface,enjoying the feeling, unknown from its depth.When I tried to go deeper and deeper , I realised that I can never reach the bottom.
I have already lost my heart in the clashing waves and if I further go deep I'll lose myself,my identity somewhere in its depth and then would never be recognised.I've also realised that now I can't even float on its surface.....
So now I stay quiet and am trying to be away from it.

When I see the waves approaching towards me,willingly or unwillingly, I don't know but i first move a step ahead and then step back.
I used to think I was a part of it but only for the time i floated on its surface.Now I know I was never a part of it and i can never be its part..

Winds push me towards the ocean,but they'll never succeed in their intensions...
I've become stronger,stronger than the waves and the winds...

I can't keep myselves away from its beauty. So I've decided to stay on the shore and observe its movements,movement of the waves,the movement of the running water..
Slowly and silently without coming in contact with the ocean,I want to learn more about it.

I may not be connected with its flow, but my heart still lies their in its depth......

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