I am awake_ I am fine
I can see, listen, and respond,
I can feel,
I can smile and laugh,
Therefore I am awake,
I can observe,
I can understand,
I can think!

Thus I am awake.
I am not tired,
I am not sad,
I am not overburdened with work,
But I am awake,
because I am feeling good, sometimes wonderful!
I don't care about the problems I have, at that time,
I am awake because,
My eyes are not wet, Images are no more blur,
I can do what I believe_ being happy.
I am awake because,
I want to feel the satisfaction,
I want to feel the peace,
I want to thank the Supreme power for giving me what I have been seeking.
And this I do by being more talkative,
more connected, replying good to all...
Not, turning off my chat on fb when I log in,
Not just giving one word answers...
I actually live that time.

So, don't worry about me, when
I am awake_ I am fine.
Never worry about me.
I am strange, and I am complex.

But, when
I am sleeping_ I am just fine
Fine enough to breathe,
Fine enough to move ,
Fine enough to look,
I am fine enough to show the signs of being alive!

I cannot just feel alive with the breaths I take.
I cannot just walk,
I cannot perceive,
I just cannot face others,
I just cannot pretend for long,
I just can not meditate,
I need some rest...
somtimes I just cannot think hard,
I cannot differentiate,
I cannot understand,
I cannot decide,
I cannot force my brain to work even when it is exhausted,
I cannot just think over and over the problems for which I find no solution,
except, that I sleep.

I am sleeping, cz
I am sick of weeping,
I am sick of writing
I am sick of hiding
I am sick of feeling!!!

I am happy when I am awake,
I am happier when I am sleeping bcz,
Only I know what sleeping means to me besides a RELAX
I am happier cz I know
No-one will ask me what is keeping me sleepy for long...
my busy routine can serve as a good answer!

But everybody asks what is keeping me awake,
Hey! I am perfectly fine, this is what I say,
I actually am alive and I want to see more of this world,
nature and its beauty, because I am ready to absorb every thing!
Not only the smiles of people, but also their tears!
I am fresh!
thus I am awake to be a useful part of this world!
I am awake to keep moving towards my purpose!

If I am sleeping the whole day,
Let me do so,
for, my senses don't work at that time!
I am not fine enough to answer your question,
I am not fine enough to laugh at your joke,
I may listen to your problem, but I will feel sorry
cz I am not fine enough to provide you with any solution!

Just take it as headache,
but don't give me medicine,
I need not one!
don't even ask me for a reason!
For, I am not good enough to lie at that time!

My thoughts are scattered,
they are creating storm in my head,
Only sleep will calm the tides.
and a long sleep can keep all this hidden!
As I just hate reveal, how weak I can be at times!
cz, My one tear will shed in front of you will make me even more weak!
You won't trust me any long for being strong!
And all of this will ruin me up!

I am fine this way...
Just want to sleep to let the thoughts float away!
I am just cannot tackle all of them sometimes,
but my sleep knows how to do it...

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