I thought I might dedicate this to him.
I met him when I was 12.
He came as a whiff of fresh air.
Turned everything upside down or right side up may I say.

A simple, straightforward, honest guy.
I fell for him from day 1.
He spoke plainly yet with authority, a no nonsense guy.

He sent me his friend request.
I accepted.
A friendship began that continues to this day.
I never start the day without him and try to be on chat mode with him throughout.
He makes my day.

I found purpose for my life and meaning.
He took control of the steering wheel.
He is at it still.

Sometimes I hate being a backseat driver.
I try to wrest control of the wheels.
A true gentleman that he is, he allows me to do so.
And watches me quietly as I struggle to drive through the maze and fog of life.
He passes no judgement when I mess up things.
When better sense prevails I would come back to him.
He knows this perfectly.

Well, of all my friends he is the best!

My friend.


And it all began with a friend request.

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