He swayed into class with his trademark swagger. Exactly one hour and fifteen minutes late.
"Kaushal...you keep coming late. Next time I won't allow you in," Ma'am reprimanded him.
He shrugged his shoulder.

We giggled. We knew he wouldn't keep his word. And Ma'am was too mild...which he too full advantage of.
I showed him my notes.

Later he waited as I sat with a girl who needed my notes after class.
We chatted.
"Salman is better looking than your Prithvi"...he argued.
"Maybe..but definitely dumber.." I surmised.
We fought pleasantly till the topic veered to gals.
"Gals are All the same," he said...even pointing at poor Ma'am.
He had some unpleasant experiences with a few..so he generalised.

"You think I should go in for a manicure?" Kaushal queried one day, as we sat in the audience waiting for our turn to make a presentation.
I roared with laughter. He really was crazy.
Here I was worrying about my speech and he...
He was cool as a cucumber.
But I knew he was trying to distract my anxious mind.

We talked. I learned he came from a humble background. He struggled with studies and work. But he never complained. He was so positive.

Our friendship grew. I pulled his leg and he..mine.
He was so kiddish sometimes. And I?
Even more!

"You must study hard..learn the guitar"..I encouraged him.
He nodded.

Today was our final day at class. Exams over.
We bid goodbye to one another.
I returned home with a heavy heart.

Young people are so cute. I am getting to love them.
What fun to be with them!
I must study harder.
I must go back again this year..
To meet kaushal and the rest of my friends again!

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