Dear School,
I hope you are doing well and the caretakers are taking great care of you. If not, don't hesitate to report to the complain Box,The Principal's office. I am writing this letter to you to express to you my feelings and opinions about you.

As a matter of fact, I have been wanting to tell you this since a very long time, but always hesitated. Let me put it in simple words for you.. I HATE YOU. I have since day 1 and will always do. There are too much reasons why you deserve hatred..

Firstly, you are so boring. You bore the hell out of everyone. And can't you tell that stupid scumbag Maths to stop telling us to find his 'X'. I am fed up looking for 'X'. Tell him 'X' is gone and is never coming back.

Secondly, You are the reason why my life is ruined. You have ruined my sleep, my peace, my childhood, my teenage, my family,ect.. You are a criminal, A leader to child labor and an an extortionist.

Dearest school, I acknowledge that you have seen me as toddler and You must be feeling bad about what I have written. But please don't take to heart, But if you do, Then I give a damn and you can stick your grudges in your stinky ass(The toilet)..

Yours Sincerely,
Mukhtaar Ashraf.

Tags: Humor

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