I woke up as usual at around 6 in the morning, with a happy feeling. I am glad nowadays that I am always happy. I finish my usual chores and just groom bit. I really admit that I have a bad fashion sense. My grandma happily scolds me for that. But I try not to lose my tantrum. Thus I kick start my bike and make my way to the college. The road is always the same, filled with potholes, the red sand and a very few people here and there. The early morning is what one should not ever miss. When the air, it hits your face, it is such a soothing experience. I just want it to be like that. I reach college; A grade is what they call it. I am at my usual shelf. I meet my gang, Mean Gang. We high-fy each other. I am at my usual flirting sense. I kind a love to make others laugh. I am glad that they all tolerate me. Here I have my best friend; she is at her typical stuff, always nodding and crank. My other best friend, he sits beside me and he is another crank and irritation. Sometimes I feel that I am surrounded by bunch of jerk offs. But I love them.
I talk to her and she is like asking me to provide her the copy of assignment and all that shit and I give her. Believe me, this fuckin happens every day. But I am happy still. She is like sometimes trying to make me jealous and I clearly understand that. And whenever she tries that and I fuckin feel like a douche bag. I get annoyed and I would. So I just let that be like that and all that other crazy stuffs that happens. This happens everyday. But what really makes me feel that I am lucky is that I have a gem like her. She knows me and my bestest friend. And I love her for that. However annoying I be or she be. It just makes me come to the conclusion that we aren’t perfect either.
Cool the day doesn’t end like that either.

Tags: Diaries

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